Monday, June 17, 2019

Library Of Lost Souls by Ransom Riggs

Library Of Lost Souls 

(Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children #3)

by Ransom Riggs

Rating (1-5) 📘📘📘📘📘
Genre - Teen & Young Adult, Time Travel, Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult Horror
Format - Audio-book

*Amazon Blurb*
A boy with extraordinary powers. An army of deadly monsters. An epic battle for the future of peculiardom.

The adventure that began with Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and continued in Hollow City comes to a thrilling conclusion with Library of Souls. As the story opens, sixteen-year-old Jacob discovers a powerful new ability, and soon he’s diving through history to rescue his peculiar companions from a heavily guarded fortress. Accompanying Jacob on his journey are Emma Bloom, a girl with fire at her fingertips, and Addison MacHenry, a dog with a nose for sniffing out lost children.

They’ll travel from modern-day London to the labyrinthine alleys of Devil’s Acre, the most wretched slum in all of Victorian England. It’s a place where the fate of peculiar children everywhere will be decided once and for all.

*My Review* 
As with the previous book in this series, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I honestly can't wait for my daughter to get older so that I can read them to her.

Jacob and the rest of the peculiar children have come a long way to save their embryms, but they aren't done yet. Now they must save all the Peculiars everywhere, in every loop. The Library of Souls is as stake. It's the most sacred place for Peculiars. Find out if they are able to save everyone and if Jacob decides to stay with the Peculiars or return home to his ordinary life.


  1. Yay, another good one from Mr. Riggs! I hope he writes some adult fiction some day, too.

    1. I just finished Tales of the Peculiars. I need to get my review up for that one.
