Monday, July 2, 2018

No Ordinary Star by M.C. Frank

No Ordinary Star

by M.C. Frank

Rating (1-5) - 📘📘📘📘📘
Genre -Science Fiction, Dystopian
Format -Ebook

Reading books set in the future never seem to hold my attention, but No Ordinary Star is no ordinary book. The beginning had me wondering if I was going to be able to follow the story or not. It didn't take long before I found myself unable to stop reading. The book just flows making it easy to read and the more you read the easier it is to picture everything happening. 

The year is 2524. People no longer sleep, eat or think on their own. Instead the take pills to keep them awake, pills to give them everything they need for nourishment and are told what to do. The world has become the perfect place, sort of.

Felix was just another solider, with the exception of always being the best and never breaking any why does he end up in a place that he shouldn't be. And why hasn't he left yet? Felix finds himself breaking laws rapidly. From not going home to his first meeting with Astra. Will this "tin soldier" be able to understand the truth or will he give up and head home to face the consequences of his disappearing? 

I can't wait to read the next book in the series. There are so many questions that need to be answered.

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