Friday, May 10, 2019

Control Freakz by Michael Evans

Control Freakz 

by Michael Evans


Rating (1-5) 📘 📘
Genre - Teen, Young Adult, Politics & Government, Fiction, Depression & Mental Illness, Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
Pages - 354

*Amazon Blurb*

Natalie had always known her dad's disappearance was connected to something much more sinister inside Area 51, but she never guessed that finding answers would require her to sacrifice everything. After the Great Crash and the election of President Ash, Natalie's dad disappears and her grandpa soon after ends his own life. But these tragic events shrouded in mystery pale in comparison to the horrors that ensue with the onslaught of Protocol 00.

After Protocol 00 is enacted, Natalie’s entire family is taken by the Protection Services Agency, along with the families of her two best friends, Hunter and Ethan. With nothing to lose and the threat of government hitmen kidnapping them at any moment, the three must battle to survive in a horrid, post-apocalyptic world run by President Ash and his invasive government. Risking ruthless leaders, attempted mind control, and her very existence on the planet, Natalie, along with Hunter and Ethan, will stop at nothing in their quest to learn the secrets that destroyed their lives. But there are unrivaled powers working against them, and with impending doom looming at any moment, there is no one to trust and nowhere to hide. In a life devoid of hope, happiness, and safety, Natalie must battle both the darkness lurking inside and out of her in order to regain one fleeting memory of her past that has all but fallen away for good, but it might already be too late.

*My Review* 

Where to begin....

The main character of the book, Natalie, is very unlikable. She is so negative and depressing. She is always complaining about how things have gotten as bad as they can get. Then a few chapters later she says the same thing. There was a lot of repetition in this book which drove me crazy. The work anxiety seemed to be mentioned on every page, sometimes more than one. I really just couldn't take Natalie's lack of anything throughout the book. She didn't try to make anything better, she didn't try to help anyone and constantly needed to be helped.

The author does do a wonderful job at writing a description of how something feels or looks, but I feel like the book was extremely OVER descriptive. The first 3/4 or more of the book was just all description and nothing else. Natalie and her two friends went from their home to a camp. That was all that happened until the very end. I wish the book was more like the ending with the characters actually moving and doing something.

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