Friday, August 16, 2019

Letters From The Apocalypse by Blake Pitcher

Letters From The Apocalypse

by Blake Pitcher

Rating (1-5) 📘📘
Genre - Post-Apocalyptic, Science Fiction
Format - Paperback
Pages -157

*Amazon Blurb*

The sun is strange, and the lights in the sky have shut down the world. Technical writer Roger was on a work trip to Texas when it all happened. Trapped between chaos and the rise of a mysterious, fanatical rancher known as the White Texan, Roger seeks to find his way north, and home to his wife. Except it’s even harder than it seems. And he doesn’t even know if she’s alive. Letters from the Apocalypse is the story of two people separated by the end of the world, and the letters that could bring them together again.

*My Review* 
I always love getting books from local authors to read, but it's sad when they don't reach my expectation. This was unfortunately one of those.

Possible Spoilers in my Review

The name of the book, Letters From The Apocalypse, had me under the assumption that there would be letters going back and forth. There were 2 letters that were sent. The first one took 5 years to write and the response apparently just minutes.

I don't know why, but this book really aggravated me. Roger is so heartbroken about being away from his wife, but spends years writing pages to a letter instead of working his way back to her. Instead of just walking and hiding from people so he isn't killed, he stays and goes along with the Freedom Republic. Seriously, even walking, it would've took less than 5 years to go from Texas to New York.

Even in the beginning before the Freedom Republic gets ahold of him, he find a deserted house to stay in. I'm sorry, but if something like this happens I would scavenge up all the supplies I could possibly carry and head home.

There is a second book in this series, Return from the Apocalypse, that I'm not sure yet if I will read.


  1. Sounds like it would confuse me. Thanks for the review!

    1. It isn't that it's confusing, more frustrating than anything.
