Saturday, November 23, 2019

Athena's Choice by Adam Boostrom

Athena's Choice

by Adam Boostrom


Rating (1-5) 📘📘📘
Genre - Dystopian, Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic, Science Fiction
Format - Paperback
Length - 272 pages

*Amazon Blurb*

Athena Vosh lives just like any other teenager from the year 2099. She watches reality shows with her friends, eats well, and occasionally wonders to herself: what would life be like if men were still alive?

It has been almost 50 years since an experimental virus accidentally killed all the men on earth. However, a controversial project is currently underway to bring men back. There's just one catch. The project has been sabotaged.

So begins the award-winning novel, Athena's Choice. When the police of 2099 are tasked with finding the saboteur, they receive a mysterious command to investigate the otherwise innocuous Athena Vosh. After it becomes clear that the young girl might know more than she lets on, Athena is brought in to participate in the official investigation. Simultaneously, the girl begins to experience a series of cryptic dreams featuring a ruined library and an old book containing the saboteur’s true identity. As the police close in on their prize, Athena finds herself on a journey of her own. Her clue-filled dreams and incorruptible spirit bring her face-to-face with a pair of forgotten truths about happiness and gender. The world waits to see if men will return as Athena fights a separate battle, culminating in the choice that will define her and others' lives forever.

*My Review* 

Can you imagine living in a world without men? That's what has happened in Athena's Choice. There was a man made virus that was created to slowly kill off the "bad" men, but it accidentally rid the world of all men (and even some women).
Athena is called upon to help solve the crime, though no one is sure how she even fits into all this. She's not a detective or even a scientist, but rather a struggling artist. I was definitely kept wondering why her, until close to the end when pieces started falling into place.
Though I enjoyed the book, there were a few things I didn't care for. The first is the ads that were in the book. I know some people thought they gave more insight into the story, but for me it was like scrolling through my Facebook and seeing ads in my timeline (sorry Adam). The second was the ending. I am not sure why, but it just didn't satisfy me.

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