Monday, September 21, 2020

Wicked Little Things by Adam Ickes


Available on Amazon

Rating (1-5) - 📘📘📘
Genre - Horror
Format - Paperback
Length - 110 pages

*Amazon Blurb*

100 tiny tales of terror gave birth to 100 monstrosities. The time has come for 100 more tales of terrible things to haunt your dreams and drive home a healthy dose of fear of those horrible creatures that dwell mostly in the darkness, but sometimes in the light. Devour these Wicked Little Things in one sitting if you think your fragile mind can handle it, or drink them in one at a time and let your fright strangle your sanity as the fear really sinks in and takes hold.

*My Review* 
100 short stories. Some of these left me wanting more and wishing they were a novel and not just a short story. Others I didn't really understand at all. Mostly it was just a nice quick read without my mind trying to guess who did what to who and if they'll get caught.


  1. That sounds really good but I like novels because like you, short stories leave me wanting more or wanting it to be a novel LOL

    1. That's what makes them so good, yet so frustrating at the same time. It's like when a novel leaves you with a cliff hanger.
