Monday, July 15, 2019

Pratts Hollow by Christina Kelley

Pratts Hollow

by Christina Kelley

Rating (1-5) 📘📘
Genre - Horror, Suspense
Format - Paperback
Pages - 301

*Amazon Blurb*

A disturbing Tale of Horror and Suspense set in the Hamlet of Pratts Hollow, NY located in the Mohawk Valley. This novel isn't coated in sugar for the meek, because real life rarely is frosted. With the good, comes the bad, the stagnant, and the unimaginable. A story about the horrors of small town living; real and perceived; hidden and apparent. When Maurice Adam Downey arrives in Pratts Hollow, the air gets heavy, stomachs sour, surrounding woods turn putrid, neighbors' doors close extra tight, and the uncontrollable madness begins... Maurice Adam Downey, a supernatural cult leader migrates from the deep woods of Canada to arrive in the hamlet of Pratts Hollow in the 1990's. His presence creates mayhem as horrific events plague the citizens within the rural farming communities of Pratts Hollow and Madison. Five Madison Central School students and long time friends, Tommy Tremaine, Sarah Jensen, Lane Collins, Samantha Peate, and Bobby Frye form a club called the Country Club Five in which its members encounter Maurice Downey on a daily basis. The children recognize the evil within this new stranger and the unusual happenings that have occurred in their towns since his arrival. With the help of a wise old woman, divine intervention, a New York City detective, a Utica Police sergeant, and the impenetrable friendship between each other, the friends battle this cruel being to save a missing five year old girl, and their hometowns. "This novel isn't coated in sugar for the meek, because real life rarely is frosted."--Christina Kelley. Christina incorporates her fictional characters into real locations and settings in Oneida, and Madison County, including the City of Utica. .

*My Review* 

I always enjoy reading books that are set in an area that is local to me. Pratts Hollow, as well as Utica, are both located very close to me. Utica is a 15 to 20 minute drive.

First, let me start of by saying that poor editing can take away from a good was the case here. I found the beginning of the book to be quite interesting, but the author would go off on side stories that didn't quite fit in or were just distracting from the main story-line.

A group of kids that are best friends get tattoos which someone give them super powers that they aren't really aware of. Then they graduate school and move away. Events in their hometown bring them all back together and they find out how strong their powers really are.

The ending of the book was a disappointment. The buildup of how horrible the Downey's were made me think that the ending would be full of action. Instead it was all over in the matter of a couple pages.


  1. It sounds like the premise was good but that it wasn't executed as well as it could have been.

    1. Yes. I really enjoyed the "idea" of the story, but the poor editing and sidetracking, it made it harder to read.
