Thursday, June 14, 2018

Reading frustration, but something to smile about

With so many amazing books out there, I hate knowing there's no way I'll be able to read all of them in my lifetime. Sure, there's bunch of books on my shelves that I wouldn't mind reading when I get to them. And then there's a HUGE stack making up my current TBR (to be read) right away. That pile wasn't too bad, but recently I noticed it getting pretty high and it has actually started to make me frustrated. I am a stay-at-home mom and I also babysit. Basically from 6:30am until 8pm there isn't much "me" time, which in turn mean not much time to read. I have been reading Stephen King's It for months now and am just over half way. I know it's a very long book, but it really shouldn't have taken so long. I usually read more than one book at a time too. It has helped a little because while I feel I am not getting anywhere with It, I was able to finish a couple other books in just a couple days. Those make me feel accomplished.

Currently I have three books that I am working on and today I realized that I am getting overwhelmed because of It. I feel like I really need to focus on finishing It and once I do I won't have this frustrated feeling anymore. Have you ever gotten frustrated with reading? Was it a book in general or too many books? How many books do you read at once? Do you think people should only read one at a time? If not, how many is too many to read at once? All these questions I know, but I'd love to get to know MY readers, even if it is only a blog and not a're still reading.

We both have a blanket and a book.
Today was a bit chilly in Upstate, NY and so I grabbed the blanket I won from a Helen Hardt giveaway and tried to get in a couple pages. My, almost 4 year old, daughter followed suit. She grabbed her blanket, book and climbed up on the other end of the couch. Granted I was only able to get a few pages in, but knowing she enjoys reading is so heart warming. Even though I may feel I am not getting enough reading done, I know that I am still making an impression with the reading I do get in. No matter how frustrated I get, I still have a reason to smile....she's my everything.

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