Thursday, March 1, 2018

Chance Encounter (not a book review)

Growing up I always thought of authors as famous people who had no time for, what shall I call the rest of us?  Un-famous, the little people? I'm not really sure, but the point is I never expected an author to take the time to speak with someone they don't know and have never met, unless it was at a book signing where they are trying to make a sale. My first experience with an author was with my friend Melanie Lopata, who I was lucky enough to know pre-author.

Since January, when I decided to overhaul my blog into Read N' Reviews, I've come across many authors who I've had small talk with via social media. I never would've thought that authors could be so humble and appreciative of their readers. It has definitely given me a new outlook on authors (especially new ones).
I love reading (obviously) and not just big well-known authors either. I enjoy reading new authors, novels, short stories etc. At first I just wanted to read murder mystery books. I wasn't aware of how many genres are out there, and with thanks to author requested reviews and my Facebook Group, I've ventured out and couldn't be happier that I did.

So, by this point, you are probably wondering the reason behind this post. Well I titled it Chance Encounter because that's what I got today. I started this morning like any other with an appointment (oil change) and a planned trip to the library with my 3 year old so she could return and borrow more books. (Yes, she's 3 and already borrows books from the library.) My oil change got done quicker than expected so I decided to stop and see an old boss of mine (he was awesome!!) and an ex-employee (both of whom have different jobs from when we worked together).

In any event, that put my library stop a couple hours behind. Usually we go in, return our books, find new books and are on our way. Today I decided she could play a little while I read. About half and hour later we were on our way up to check out when a man (Larry Sargeant) was at the counter asking if the library had a special place for new authors. The man behind the counter stepped away to get someone to help with this request and I stepped up and mentioned my book group, blog etc. He handed me a business card along with his Press Release for his book.

We continued with our business and finished at the same time. He then mentioned that if I was interested I could borrow the book from the library (which would be ready to take out in a few days). I told him I would look for in next week (as I've just started our March Read Along).  We continued to talk as we left the library. He asked for my information and I gave his my blog address. I told him about my blog and all other social media I use to promote books and authors. I was shocked when he then offered a signed copy of his book "The Saga of Chief Barking Loincloth: Book One - In Search of a Hero". I can't wait to check it out!!!! What a surprise for me on World Book Day.

Click here to read the article one of our local papers, Times Telegram, wrote about Larry.

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