Friday, February 2, 2018

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Fault In Our Stars 

by John Green

Available On Amazon
Available on Book Depository.

I saw the movie before reading the book and I hate doing that because I'm always afraid I won't enjoy the book as much. To my defense I didn't know that the book existed at that time as I wasn't an avid reader then. Either way that's definitely not the case here. I loved the movie and I think I have just found my newest favorite book. It's it's very easy to read and to visualize everything that's going on. The way it was written is so different than other books I've read. I can't really explain it. It is a first person standpoint that flows so well. I was actually able to read this entire book in just a little more than 1 day.
I will say that I am very disappointed that the book An Imperial Affliction by Peter Van Houten isn't a real book. I wasn't even halfway done reading this and went online to find where I could get that book because it sounds so good.

Dear John Green,
If you ever read this, I am requesting you to write the aforementioned book as you have made it sound extremely interesting. I believe this is owed to me as your book is the first one to ever make me cry.
I'm not going to hold my breath for a Hazel Grace outcome on this😊.

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