Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Darkest Evening of the Year by Dean Koontz

The Darkest Evening of the Year

by Dean Koontz

Rating (1-5) 📘
Genre - Horror, Suspense,Psychological Thrillers, Paranormal Suspense
Format - Audiobook

*Amazon Blurb*

Amy Redwing has dedicated her life to the southern California organization she founded to rescue abandoned and endangered golden retrievers. Among dog lovers, she’s a legend for the risks she’ll take to save an animal from abuse. Among her friends, Amy’s heedless devotion is often cause for concern. To widower Brian McCarthy, whose commitment she can’t allow herself to return, Amy’s behavior is far more puzzling and hides a shattering secret.

No one is surprised when Amy risks her life to save Nickie, nor when she takes the female golden into her home. The bond between Amy and Nickie is immediate and uncanny. Even her two other goldens, Fred and Ethel, recognize Nickie as special, a natural alpha. But the instant joy Nickie brings is shadowed by a series of eerie incidents. An ominous stranger. A mysterious home invasion.

And the unmistakable sense that someone is watching Amy’s every move and that, whoever it is, he’s not alone.

Someone has come back to turn Amy into the desperate, hunted creature she’s always been there to save. But now there’s no one to save Amy and those she loves.

*My Review*

This book was, well, unsatisfying. I was quite disappointed as I generally enjoy books by Dean Koontz. I hope that maybe it was the fact I was listening to it as an audio book instead of reading it, but I am fine with other audio books.

I felt lost and confused throughout most of the story. I didn't know if it was about a dog, Amy or what. It wasn't until the last maybe 1/4 of the book did I figure it all out. Even then, it didn't make much sense to me.


  1. Koontz is getting mixed reviews on this one. A lot of people loved it, but others, like you . . . eh, just didn't work for them. So you're not alone.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I was quite embarrassed about writing this "review", but some are so hard. If you mention one little thing it gives away part of the story.
