Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison

The Silent Wife

by A.S.A. Harrison

Rating (1-5) 📘 📘
Genre - Psychological Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense
Format - Audiobook

*Amazon Blurb*

Jodi and Todd are at a bad place in their marriage. Much is at stake, including the affluent life they lead in their beautiful waterfront condo in Chicago, as she, the killer, and he, the victim, rush haplessly toward the main event. He is a committed cheater. She lives and breathes denial. He exists in dual worlds. She likes to settle scores. He decides to play for keeps. She has nothing left to lose. Told in alternating voices, The Silent Wife is about a marriage in the throes of dissolution, a couple headed for catastrophe, concessions that can’t be made, and promises that won’t be kept. Expertly plotted and reminiscent of Gone Girl and These Things Hidden, The Silent Wife ensnares the reader from page one and does not let go.

*My Review* 

I always enjoy books that are told from two different points of view. This one includes Jodi and Todd.  I give much credit to Jodi for being able to go that far in denial of her husbands infidelity that she is able to continue on like nothing is wrong. Then again, when you have nothing, there's not much to lose. The book didn't see to have much suspense to me as I was basically able to predict what was going to happen right from the beginning. I think it would've been better if Jodi had a bit of a temper in her or if Todd had some kind of backbone, instead of being pushed around by his mistress.


  1. Replies
    1. I don't think it's something that you'd enjoy. You seem to like the ones that I do.
