Monday, April 8, 2019

The Girl In The Forest by Carmen Weiz

The Girl In The Forest

by Carmen Weiz

*Author Requested Review*

Rating (1-5) 📘📘📘📘
Genre - Romantic Suspense, Suspense
Format - Paperback
Pages - 336

*Amazon Blurb*

From the pine tree forests of Switzerland, a thriller-romance which will take your sleep away…

A sad twist of the destiny catapults Anna, young Brazilian woman, into a reality greater than her.
Driven by desire to help and make the good, she’ll find herself slave of human trafficking gangs, in the hands of merciless torturers ready to sell her to the richest bidder.
Only using her cunning she’ll be able to escape, helped by the Swiss officer Thomas Graff, a man with an icy heart and past he can’t leave behind. The crash between two different cultures that will make sparks fly!
This is Anna’s story, undeservedly a victim like many other women. Among intrigues, betrayal, crimes and games of fate, the young lady will fight for freedom and love.

My Review* 

I was unsure of this book when I first started. I thought it was going to be more about Anna and what had happened to her and less of Anna and Thomas. Either way, I ended up enjoying it.

Anna finds herself rescued and her life basically saved, by Thomas, who just happened to be in the right place at the right time (let me not fail to mention that it was actually the do who saved her). I never understood how people can have such a strong connection to someone they have never met before, but I guess that's where the saying "love at first sight" comes from. And although they don't know it, that's exactly what has happened to Thomas and Anna. The question is, will Thomas be able to realize it in time? Will Anna have wasted time on him?

I found Thomas a hard character to like. He has a very rough exterior due to a previous relationship, but it was years prior. I wanted to smack him in the face and yell at him to man up and get over it.

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