Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The First Mistake by Sandie Jones

The First Mistake 

by Sandie Jones

ARC - Available 6/11/19

Rating (1-5) 📘 📘📘📘📘
Genre - Domestic Thrillers, Psychological Thrillers, Suspense Thrillers
Format - Softcover
Pages -

*Amazon Blurb*

THE WIFE: For Alice, life has never been better. With her second husband, she has a successful business, two children, and a beautiful house.

HER HUSBAND: Alice knows that life could have been different if her first husband had lived, but Nathan’s arrival into her life gave her back the happiness she craved.

HER BEST FRIEND: Through the ups and downs of life, from celebratory nights out to comforting each other through loss, Alice knows that with her best friend Beth by her side, they can survive anything together. So when Nathan starts acting strangely, Alice turns to Beth for help. But soon, Alice begins to wonder whether her trust has been misplaced . . . The first mistake could be her last.

*My Review* 

This is an author that doesn't disappoint. Right from the beginning, this book will pull you in and not let you go. It drops bombshell after bombshell leaving you wondering who did what and how it couldn't happened. I never couldn't predicted the ending.

Though I absolutely loved this book, there were a few things that I couldn't stop thinking about and think that they should have been a bit differently or left out. I will discuss these after a spoiler warning. I have ever posted a spoiler before and have actually wrote really short reviews as to avoid them, but I am making an exception here. If you have read this book (or like spoilers) then scroll down.......


Here it is.......

Ok, so when Alice comes across her dead husbands photo on Facebook showing current activity, why didn't she go to the police? Seriously...if the love of your life suddenly appears on social media you wouldn't contact Facebook to see if the account was accurate. You'd go to the police. My immediate thoughts were that maybe he wasn't killed in the skiing accident and that he'd been hurt suffering amnesia.
Also. towards the end when everyone's parts are revealed....it started to get a bit sloppy. Again, I really did enjoy the book so I'm not trying to make it seem bad. But 2 people wait 10 long years for revenge. That just seems like an awfully long time to pretend you like, or in Nathans case love, a person. If it was 5 years....maybe, but not 10.


  1. Haha, thanks for the spoiler warning. I totally skipped it. But now if I pick up The First Mistake I can read it without being disappointed. Thanks for reviewing this one.

    1. It really was a good book!! There was just those couple things that I kept thinking about wondering...how/why. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you read it.


    I completely agree! I read this one rather quickly and loved it but I do agree with your spoiler comments. I definitely would have gone to the police because if he didn't have amnesia, he faked his death and I'm pretty sure there's some law against that. Or at least highly immoral. And for Nathan...yeah wouldn't he have gotten his revenge sooner? Rather than having a kid with Alice and being with her for so long? But then again, it took time to grow the company and get the money to steal. As for Beth...what a bitch. That's all I have to say. But I'm pretty sure at the end she saved Nathan not Beth. I wish the author hadn't left it a cliffhanger.

    1. YES!! I am wondering if she did this to make a sequel, but what else could there be to the story?
